Have you heard of the J-Beauty trend?


After the K-Beauty trend, which won the hearts of many a lover of cosmetics, it was the turn of J-Beauty. We reveal to you what it is really about…

In the relationship K-Beauty, which includes as many as ten steps of care, J-Beauty supports a minimalist approach to skin care and encourages you not to burden your face with layers of products. In fact, the key is to use only those preparations that are really necessary for the skin, thus preserving its natural beauty. Some of the basic postulates of this trend are skin health – as a priority, prevention of beauty problems, powerful natural ingredients, as well as an obsession with innovation and advanced technologies.

J-Beauty routine in four steps

If you want to give a chance to this trend, here are the four products you should limit your care regimen to…

STEP 1: Oil based cleaner

It will help you remove the remnants of makeup, sebum… Gently massage it into the skin and rinse with lukewarm water.

STEP 2: Foam cleaner

Foam cleaner (on water base) has the task to additionally and deeply clean the skin from impurities, sweat, particles of pre

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STEP 3: Liquid lotion

Gently pat it in the face to hydrate the skin after cleansing.

STEP 4: Moisturizing cream

It is the final step, and effectively softens and moisturizes the skin.

INFO PLUS Experts say that the expansion of the J – Beauty trend is expected in the next 10 years – which is due to growing health concerns, which due to savings.

lepotaizdravlje.rs paulaphoto, IRA_EVVA / iStock via Getty Images

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