Having to keep bringing up these Chris Wood stats is getting a bit tedious

Some people are still seemingly unable to accept that signing Chris Wood was actually a good thing.

Newcastle United activating the release clause in the Burnley striker’s contract, by paying £25m last month.

However, almost six weeks after signing, Chris Wood has been a total failure…if you listen to certain people.

It is bad enough seeing / hearing feeble journalists and pundits doing this BUT when it is supposed Newcastle United fans, it is so much worse.

The latest thing I saw at the weekend was that 29 year old Wout Weghorst scoring for Burnley in their win at Brighton, was ‘proof’ that United signed the wrong striker.

In other words, according to the critics, pretty much any other forward would have proved a better signing than Chris Wood.


Well, I’m afraid that the ‘proof’ I look at, gives out a very different message.

Yet again on Saturday, Chris Wood didn’t an excellent unselfish job for the team and helped them get that point, which in reality should have been three, as Newcastle were the better team. In fact, it would very likely have been three points if the other Newcastle players had managed to put a single decent cross in, for the big Kiwi to get his head on.

Instead, we can look at the more underlying stats, yet again.

This one from the Other14 who specialise in stats that don’t involve the ‘big six’ clubs:

Premier League Most Heading Duels Week 26

As you can see, yet again Chris Wood at the top, whilst Dan Burn not far behind.

Are there really Newcastle United fans out there, who still think that signing Chris Wood has had nothing to do with recent results.

In the first 19 Premier League games of the season, Newcastle United won one of them and picked up 11 points in total.

Chris Wood signed on 12 January 2022 and has been the only transfer window signing to start all five matches AND play every single minute of these last five matches.

Newcastle United picking up 11 points in those Chris Wood five matches, winning three and drawing two.

This table from Transfermarkt shows how many points each Premier League club have picked up since Chris Wood signed for Newcastle:

Premeir League Form Table 21 February 2022

As you can see, only Liverpool and Wolves have picked up more points in this time period.

When Chris Wood arrived, Newcastle looked in a pretty hopeless position, second bottom with 11 points after 19 games.

Now, if beating Brentford next Saturday, Newcastle would be on 25 points after 25 matches and possibly as high as fourteenth (seventh bottom).

Chris Wood is doing the business for Newcastle United and with better service he will start and score a few goals as well.

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