Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced the current corona data! Here is the daily number of cases and deaths

According to the corona virus (coronavirus) table announced by the Ministry of Health on Sunday, October 3, 2021, 194 people died in the last 24 hours. The number of new cases decreased compared to yesterday. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said, “We need to act more quickly on the vaccine issue. We must comply with the measures with greater seriousness until community immunity is achieved. The spread of the disease has become easier in the current period. The good news depends on the increase in the rate of double-dose vaccination, and the observance of the mask and distance rule.”

Published: ) 20:27 – 03 October 2021


20:35 – 03 October 2021

Sağlık Bakanı Fahrettin Koca, güncel corona verilerini açıkladı! İşte günlük vaka ve vefat sayısıResim

The Ministry of Health announced the daily COVID-19 table of Turkey. According to October 3 data, 348 thousand 462 tests were carried out.

In the last 24 hours, 27 thousand 351 new cases were detected. While 22 thousand 4 people regained their health, 194 people died due to corona today.


Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca said, “The fight against the epidemic is a little more difficult in autumn and winter conditions. Time spent in closed environments and contact are increasing. The use of masks has become very important. Let’s not forget that the disease is transmitted through the respiratory tract. Let’s get our vaccinations done” he said.


The data also included the provinces leading in vaccination. According to the ministry’s table, Kırklareli, where the most vaccinations are carried out in Turkey with 79 percent, was followed by Muğla, Ordu, Amasya, Eskişehir, Çanakkale, Edirne, Balıkesir, Burdur and Osmaniye.


Bingöl, and Ağrı followed.


According to current data, the average of the first dose in Turkey is 87.06 percent, the second dose The average was 72.54 percent, and the total of the first, second and third doses was 110 million 333 thousand 793.


According to the Ministry’s data on October 2, 352 thousand 162 tests were carried out yesterday. . Yesterday, 27 thousand 973 cases were detected, 203 people lost their lives and 22 thousand 110 people regained their health.ResimResim

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