Held in high esteem: QuickBooks SuperCondense proves to be a hit among the masses

Brandon, 8 Oct 2021, ZEXPRWIRE, Slow and sluggish QuickBooks behaviour could indicate a large file. Because QuickBooks holds such a vast database of financial information, files are bound to grow larger in size especially if they are more than 5 to 10 years old.

Intuit’s recommendations of an idyllic file for a Pro or Premiere file to not exceed 150Mb and an Enterprise file to stay under 1GB.  The larger the history of data grows, the greater is the burden on the system that would require added resources, such as computer memory, network equipment, and hosting in order to keep data accessible. Large files can cause several hindrances with the operation of QuickBooks such as frequent crashes, loss of data and the inability create a backup. “Data corruption, Unbalanced Balance Sheet reports, slow performance and constant errors are just some of the other effects of an overgrown file,” E-Tech’s John Rocha said.

As a general rule of thumb, files should ideally contain only the last three to five years of data. A new company file can be created as users begin to reach the recommended limit of years in the data file. Lists from the previous file can then be carried over. A cut-off date can be chosen for creating entries for open balances.

E-Tech’s SuperCondense service expels old data whereby the size of the file is deceased by as much as 80 percent. “The SuperCondense feature is an advanced version of the Condense feature in QuickBooks and has proven to have far more extensive results with both document size and the QuickBooks’ pace,” Rocha said.

This service has been used by thousands of satisfied customers in US, Canada, and UK. Since QuickBooks does not have a condense feature in the Canadian and UK versions of QuickBooks, this service allows users to continue to use their existing data files rather than create a new data file and lose history. Also, even though the US version of QuickBooks does have a condense feature, it does not work correctly with data files with Inventory or Advanced Inventory. The SuperCondense service, however, will work in such cases.

The QuickBooks SuperCondense service significantly reduces the file size of the QuickBooks data file resulting in higher responsiveness and faster performance, higher network stability and lesser susceptible to data corruption issues.  It also calls for customers, vendors and items to stay under the 14,500 limit for Pro and Premier, making it easier to convert large files to QuickBooks Online.

For more information about this service, visit https://e-tech.ca/Quickbooks-Super-Condense-Service.aspx

About E-Tech

Founded in 2001, E-Tech is the leading file repair, data recovery, and data conversion services provider in the United States and Canada. The company works to stay up to date on the latest technology news, reviews, and more for their customers.

For media inquiries regarding E-Tech, individuals are encouraged to contact Media Relations Director, Melanie Ann via email at

To learn more about the company, visit: www.e-tech.ca

Media Contact

Contact Person : Melanie Ann

Company Name: E-Tech

Address : 136 11 th St ,Brandon, MB R7A 4J4


Website: www.e-tech.ca  

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