How to Strengthen Your Curiosity Muscle

Five science-based recommendations.

November 03, 2023

Thomas Jackson/Getty Images

Building our curiosity muscle is essential because it will aid in the efficiency of leadership, enables continual learning, and because it’s a sought after skill by employers. Like any muscle, to strengthen it, you must activate and exercise it.  You can strengthen your curiosity muscle by ditching excuses, finding the right angle, changing up your routine, experimenting, and shifting your focus once you become uninterested. Curiosity is a skill that is useful in every context, whether it be in the workplace or in the lives of your loved ones. It shows interests, prompts discovery, and finally, leaves all involved parties changed in some form or fashion — all by way of a simple question of who, what, when, where, why, or how.

Curiosity is best defined as the motivation to learn, be open to new ideas, and explore novel environments and situations.  With this meaning in mind, there are obvious reasons for one to harness and develop their curiosity.

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