How to Use Up Leftover Holiday Wrapping Paper

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Photo: Shannon Jordan (Shutterstock)

The stockings were hung, the presents were wrapped and then unwrapped, and the gift-giving part of the holiday season has come to a close. But as you’re putting things away for the year, you notice that you have some leftover wrapping paper.

Maybe you went a little overboard and bought far more than you need this year. Or perhaps you have a box of odds-and-ends that you don’t want to throw away, but also don’t think it’s worth keeping around until next year. Either way, here are some uses for leftover wrapping paper.

Use it as a background for framed holiday photos

Some of your holiday photos are (probably) nice enough to frame. So instead of spending money on expensive picture frames that come with matting, buy a slightly larger (but cheaper) frame without matting, and use leftover wrapping paper behind the photo in its place.

Make confetti

If, for whatever reason, you require confetti on a regular basis—like using it when shipping items to people you hate—leftover wrapping paper is up for the job. Simply cut it into thin strips, and then stack the strips on top of each other, and cut them into little squares.

Use as packing material

Instead of using crumpled up newspaper or brown paper, you can also use leftover wrapping paper as packing material, when shipping items to people you don’t hate. For a more seasonally appropriate take on this, use the odds-and-ends of wrapping paper to safely pack away delicate ornaments and other decorations until it’s time to use them again next year.

Make a framed holiday quote

Similar to using leftover wrapping paper as background for framing photos, you can also utilize it to make holiday gifts or decorations for next year. This works best with lighter-colored wrapping paper. Just cut a piece to size, and in your fanciest/most legible penmanship, write one of your favorite holiday quotes on the paper, then pop it in a frame. It doesn’t have to be anything extensive; a simple “comfort & joy” will suffice.

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