Hypo NÖ and Eggenburg move into the quarterfinals of the cup

Hypo NÖ und Eggenburg ziehen in Cup-Viertelfinale ein

© Sportreport

Hypo Lower Austria didn’t show any weakness in the ÖHB Cup round of 16 at MGA Fivers on Wednesday evening, the Defending champion celebrated a 24:11 (14:3) victory in Hollgasse.

The preliminary decision was already made after 13 minutes. Because Hypo NÖ started furiously with an 8:0 run. Even after that, the Viennese had no chance. Only three hits in the first half speak for themselves. After the break, head coach Ferenc Kovacs’ team could afford not to play quite as confidently. The top scorer for the guests was Nina Neidhart (6), Naomi Breit and Katharina Bachmann each scored three times for MGA to do with either BT Füchse Powersports or WAT Atzgersdorf. This duel could not take place on Wednesday evening due to the corona. A new date has not yet been set.

UHC Eggenburg also made it into the quarter-finals, winning the Lower Austria derby against Union APG Korneuburg 29:25 (16:15). The hosts started the game perfectly with a 3-0 run and never had to accept the equaliser. Korneuburg only managed to get close to a goal three times in the first half. Immediately after the restart, Eggenburg was on +4 and played the victory home confidently. Top scorers: Marietta Gyetko (7) and Tea Vucina (5). In the quarter-finals, Eggenburg will be a guest of the only remaining WHA CHALLENGE team, the Perchtoldsdorf Devils.

ÖHB Cup ladies , Round of 16
07.12.: UHC Graz vs. HIB Handball Graz 30:32
08.12.: UHC Wein4tler Netzwerk Hollabrunn vs. UHC Müllner Bau Stockerau 20:31
18.12.: Roxcel Handball Tulln vs. SC witasek Ferlach/ Feldkirchen 17:19
19.12.: Luckily Perchtoldsdorf Devils vs. HC Sparkasse BW Feldkirch 20:19 12.01.: UHC Eggenburg vs. Union APG Korneuburg 29:25 (16:15)
12.01.: MGA Fivers vs. Hypo Lower Austria 11:24 (3:14) 12.01.: BT Füchse Powersports vs. WAT Atzgersdorf POSTPONED
23.01., 2:30 p.m.: SSV Dornbirn Schoren vs. roomz JAGS WV

Quarterfinals (to be played until 12./13. February)
BT Foxes Powersports or WAT Atzgersdorf vs. Hypo NÖ
SSV Dornbirn Schoren or roomz JAGS WV vs. SC witasek Ferlach/Feldkirchen

Perchtoldsdorf Devils vs. UHC Eggenburg
UHC Müllner Bau Stockerau vs. HIB Handball Graz

ÖHB Cup men, round of 16 (to be played until February 5th/6th)
medalp Handball Tirol vs. Förthof UHK Krems
Alpla HC Hard vs. SG INSIGNIS Handball WESTWIEN
Sports union The FALKEN Bachner Bau St. Pölten vs. HSG XeNTiS Bärnbach/Köflach
Sports union Leoben vs. HC LINZ AG

UHC Hollabrunn vs. Bregenz Handball
roomz JAGS Vöslau vs. HC Fivers WAT Margareten
HC BW Feldkirch vs. Sparkasse S chwaz Handball Tirol
Post SV Wien vs. HSG Holding Graz
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