Hysterics as Pit Bull Raised by Felines Is Now ‘More Cat Than Dog’

We often think of cats and dogs as sworn enemies that can’t possibly get along, but Opie the pit bull didn’t get the memo. After being raised by cats, he has practically turned into one himself.

Before rescuing Opie in 2018, Diana Alvarez had three cats, so it was fascinating to see how he would integrate with them, if at all. She might have expected some conflict to begin with, but to her surprise there was no instinctual hatred between Opie and his feline siblings. They just got along instantly.

It wasn’t long before Alvarez, who lives in Massachusetts, noticed Opie copying what the cats were doing and emulating their behavior. Now, she jokes, the 6-year-old pit bull and American bully mix is “definitely more cat than dog.”

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In a viral Instagram video on her account (@ourcozyventures), Alvarez showed some of the things Opie does that prove he really was raised by cats. He loves rubbing against his owner’s legs just like a feline and tries to curl up in one of the cat’s beds. And, of course, he’s learned how to loaf.

Dog raised by cats
Opie the 6-year-old pit bull was raised in a home full of cats and now demonstrates his hilarious cat behavior.

@ourcozyventures / Instagram

“Before Opie, I had cats, so bringing him home to a house full of three cats made him quickly start acting like one,” Alvarez told Newsweek. “I think he’s fond of the cats because they share similar interests, like napping all day long, lounging in the sun and trying to sleep on my lap.”

Of all the cat traits that Opie displays, Alvarez said, watching him loaf with his paws curled underneath his body is definitely her favorite. He really has learned from the best.

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There’s no doubt that Alvarez has her hands full because she also owns four dogs, including a husky and an Australian shepherd, and four cats. Well, five cats if you include Opie. She often uses social media to document the joy (and sometimes chaos) that her pets bring, whether it’s the realities of owning a gentle pit bull or the mischief her cats can get up to.

Opie has certainly become a fan favorite online. The clip showing what “a pit bull raised by cats looks like” has amassed over 53.1 million views and 4.6 million likes on Instagram.

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“The video has so many views already, and we’ve received so many happy comments from people telling me they can relate to it,” Alvarez said.

In just a few days since the video was posted, it has gained over 7,700 comments on Instagram. Plenty of people seemed obsessed with the idea of a loafing dog, while others shared their own tales of having a dog that is practically a cat too.


Another Instagram user wrote: “He was a cat in his previous life.”

“The cat must be very proud of himself. He’s been a good teacher,” joked one person.

Another commenter responded: “Never seen a dog loaf!”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones. Send them in to life@newsweek.com and they could appear on our site.

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