J.B. Corgard Unveils an Epic Journey in Her Book “Subzero Quest” at the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

The author prepares readers for a heart-stopping adventure as he takes readers on a mesmerizing journey into a frozen future.

San Diego, CA USA – WEBWIREFriday, January 26, 2024

Subzero Quest: Legends Awaken invites attendees of the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books to experience a world where courage meets the cold head-on.

The science fiction, fantasy action, and adventure book Subzero Quest: Legend Awaken by J.B. Corgard will be exhibited by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at the countrys largest book festival, the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. The book event will take place on April 20-21, 2024, at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.

Subzero Quest: Legends Awaken is a chilling tale of survival wherein humanitys fight for existence unfolds against a backdrop of icy desolation. The narrative revolves around Hannah, a resilient young woman navigating the frozen remnants of once-thriving cities.

Faced with the harsh reality of her familys struggles, Hannah discovers a glimmer of hope in an unexpected place a groundbreaking virtual reality tournament. In a bid for survival, she takes a leap of faith into a meticulously crafted medieval realm, a stark contrast to the frozen wasteland she calls home.

Subzero Quest: Legends Awaken weaves a tale of resilience, love, and sacrifice as Hannah battles through quests, forms alliances, and confronts epic challenges. Her journey becomes a beacon of hope in a world seemingly devoid of it, proving that even in the bleakest of landscapes, the human spirit can triumph.

The novels virtual world serves as a captivating backdrop where legends are forged, and destinies awakened. Readers will be transported to a realm where the indomitable human spirit stands strong against the relentless forces of nature. Corgards storytelling prowess breathes life into a narrative that blends futuristic desolation with the magic of a medieval world.

Explore the frozen ruins in Subzero Quest: Legends Awaken by J.B. Corgard. Get a copy on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Check out the authors website for more information. Visit the ReadersMagnet exhibit at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at booth #225 to check out the books display.

Subzero Quest: Legends Awaken
Author: J.B. Corgard
Genre: Science Fiction Adventures, Fantasy Action & Adventure
Publisher: PublishDrive
Published date: September 20, 2023


J.B. Corgard is a 28-year-old transgender female author. She is an independent author striving to make a living doing what she loves. She is a sci-fi fantasy author, so readers should look out for lots of exciting books to come in various worlds. She likes to say that she is not just a writer but a world-builder.

( Press Release Image: https://photos.webwire.com/prmedia/55089/317070/317070-1.jpg )


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