Jurkovič's Heating Plant was opened. This is what the recovery for 13 million looks like (photo gallery)

The building approval decision came into force in August, and these days its premises are already welcoming the first tenants and visitors. The comprehensive reconstruction of the historic monument required an investment of more than EUR 13 million.

Pravda , luc 10/08/2021 18:26

National Cultural Monument – Jurkovičova The heating plant is one of the last references to the industrial history of this locality in Bratislava. Jurkovič’s Heating Plant was partially hit during the bombing of the Apollo refinery in 1944 and fell into disrepair years after it ended. Penta Real Estate began its renovation in the summer of 2018 as part of the SKY PARK by Zaha Hadid project and exactly three years later opened its gates to the public and clients of flexible offices under the BASE brand.

Exterior of Jurkovičova Teplárna

Interior of Jurkovič Heating Plant

“Very few similar historical monuments have been preserved in Slovakia. From the beginning, we approached the reconstruction with respect and precision. Its goal was to keep as many valuable and original elements as possible inside. The reconstruction itself was conceived in such a way that the parts that are original remain visible and the uniqueness and manuscript of Dušan Jurkovič are preserved in their essence. This is one of the most comprehensive renovations in Slovakia in terms of scope and detail, and I am really proud that we at Penta Real Estate have managed to save this unique historical monument, “says Juraj Nevolník, Executive Director of Penta Real Estate Slovakia.

Jurkovičova Tepláreň offers 3900 m2 of flexible areas, with a total capacity of approximately 450 seats. The range of services includes everything for full work and leisure:

  • nonstop access to the object
  • workplace equipment
  • reception and property management services
  • cleaning services
  • high speed internet connection
  • IT support

  • drinking regime
  • press services
  • meeting and project rooms of various sizes
  • relaxation zones
    • green roof terrace

    • multifunctional hall for trainings, discussions, openings and other events
    • parking capacities for bicycles, scooters and cars

What does it look like in coworking premises of Jurkovičova Teplárna

A vision for the heating plant According to Erik Páleš, Business Development Manager at Penta Real Estate Slovakia, it was the creation of an inspiring and diverse workspace that will provide a background for connecting several user groups, from corporate clients to start-ups, freelancers and students in a unique national cultural monument.

“Jurkovičova Tepláreň has all the prerequisites to become a community center within the SKY PARK project by Zaha Hadid and we believe that with its unique concept, which connected history, modern industrial design and new the function will be a great attraction for visitors “adds Páleš.

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