Kingston Transit receiving $3.2M from province

Municipal transit operations in southeastern Ontario are getting a boost from the province. The City of Kingston is receiving just shy of $3.3M.

MPP Steve Clark made the announcement Wednesday. The funding is coming from the provincial Gas Tax program.

“Our government knows that supporting public transit systems is more important than ever as communities struggle to maintain service levels during COVID-19,” said Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes. “Stability matters for the transit systems in our region and I’m pleased that we have been able to top up this year’s Gas Tax funding to make up for reduced sales at the pump.”

The funding can be used for anything from extending service hours, to upgrading infrastructure.

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Other municipalities receiving funding include the City of Brockville, which is getting $225,812, the Municipality of North Grenville which is receiving $60,071 and Lanark County which will receive $430,033.

Click to play video: 'Inclement weather leads to closures in Kingston, Ont. area'Inclement weather leads to closures in Kingston, Ont. area

Inclement weather leads to closures in Kingston, Ont. area

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen how critical public transit is for frontline workers and for Ontarians who depend on these services to get to medical appointments, the grocery store and other important locations,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation.

“Gas Tax funding remains a vital source of long-term transit funding that municipalities can rely on to help operate and expand existing public transit services –— ensuring people have access to safe and reliable transportation when they need it,” she added.

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