Kitz-Gams instead of crutches for Kilde: “Incredible, I'm so proud!”

Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

In the first of two descents, Aleksander Aamodt Kilde fulfilled his dream of winning the Streif. The Norwegian referred the French Johan Clarey (+ 0.42 seconds) and Blaise Giezendanner (+ 0.63) to the other podium places. ÖSV star Matthias Mayer had to vacate his place on the podium late.


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Aleksander Aamodt Kilde celebrated his victory with his team and Goldener Gams.


Kitzbühel – Aleksander Aamodt Kilde celebrated his first victory on the Streif. The Norwegian relegated the French Johan Clarey (+0.42 seconds) and Blaise Giezendanner (+ 0.63 seconds) to the next places in Friday’s downhill with his sixth win of the season. In the shortened race starting from above the Mausfalle, Matthias Mayer (+ 0.67 seconds) finished fourth as the best ÖSV runner in front of 1000 spectators. Giezendanner pushed the Carinthian with the high starting number 43 off the podium.

I can’t believe I was so quick. It was so cool to drive. I’m so proud.

Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, Kitz winner

Kilde could afford not to have caught the line optimally in the newly laid passage on the local mountain, but by the fourth split he was already 1.24 seconds ahead of Mayer, who was leading at the time. In the end, the Scandinavian still had almost seven tenths of his credit. Last year he missed the Hahnenkamm race after suffering a cruciate ligament rupture shortly before. “I can’t believe I was so quick. It was so cool to drive. I’m so proud.” In the morning he saw a photo of himself a year ago with crutches, now he stands there as a winner.

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Among the big defeats were world champion Vincent Kriechmayr (13th), last year’s double winner Beat Feuz from Switzerland (8th) and the South Tyrolean Dominic Paris (27th). Overall World Cup leader Marco Odermatt did very well as fifth (+0.78). Mayer’s starting number seven was “not ideal”, you just didn’t know what the weather would be like. “I had a great ride down from the Seidlalm,” he said anyway. He didn’t want to believe third place for a long time, which made the two-time Olympic champion right.

1000 ski fans were allowed to be there on the first day of the race in Kitzbühel.

© Thomas Böhm

Daniel Hemetsberger was happy about a “great ride” in tenth place, he got e caught everything relatively well, but there was still fresh snow inside. At two o’clock in the morning the track commanders had started work and put in place an almost perfect runway.

Forerunner Hirscher found the Streif “super cool”

Daniel Danklmaier fell when he took off into the net remained unharmed. With start number 40, Christian Walder had the third-best time up to the traverse before he slipped and retired.

Marcel Hirscher was again in action as a forerunner, who found it “super cool”. Driving the Streif was always a dream, but not possible when I was active. The drone images from the larch shot were also a novelty.

📊 Men’s World Cup rankings

🏆 Downhill World Cup:

  • 1. Aleksander Aamodt Kilde (NOR) 405 points
  • 2.

  • Matthias Mayer (AUT) 352
  • 3. Beat Feuz (SUI) 337
  • 4. Marco Odermatt (SUI) 321
  • 5. Dominik Paris (ITA) 320
  • 🔮 Overall World Cup:

    Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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