Lagos Deploys New Traffic Monitoring System, Violators to Pay N50,000 Fine


The Lagos State Government has announced the implementation of a new Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to enhance road safety and traffic management across the state. The initiative, launched in partnership with Huawei Technologies, includes four new monitoring sites equipped with advanced detection systems.

Transportation Commissioner Oluwaseun Osiyemi revealed during a Thursday press briefing that two checkpoint sites have been strategically positioned to monitor vehicle speeds. The Alapere, Ogudu Road checkpoint enforces an 80km/h speed limit, while the Nitel, Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way location maintains a 60km/h limit.

Additionally, two e-police sites have been installed at Allen Avenue Road Junction and Nurudeen Olowopopo Road. These locations will monitor various traffic violations, including red light infractions, improper lane usage, illegal U-turns, and highway reverse driving.

The new system implements strict penalties, with speed limit violations carrying a N50,000 fine and red light violations resulting in a N20,000 penalty. Violators will receive SMS notifications from the Vehicle Inspection Service department detailing their infractions and payment instructions.

“This system is not designed to be punitive but to encourage responsible driving behaviour and reduce the rate of accidents on our roads,” Osiyemi emphasized. “The goal is simple: to save lives, protect property, and create an orderly transportation environment.”

The initiative will work in conjunction with existing traffic management infrastructure, including Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras and other Traffic Management Solution devices already in place throughout Lagos.


The launch event was attended by key government officials, including Innovation Commissioner Olatunbosun Alake, Transportation Permanent Secretary Olawale Musa, and representatives from Huawei Technologies.

Stay tuned to Newspot Nigeria for updates on this developing news.

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