Lagos govt host Estonian who walked on slackline across Lagos bridge

Gov Sanwo-Olu Honours Jaan Roose, Man Who Walks on Rope Across Lagos Bridge in Viral Video

  • The Lagos state government has honoured Jaan Roose, the Estonian Slack Liner and world record holder
  • Roose, whom many described as a man with the nerve of steel, walked a slackline from Sterling Tower to Onome Rig
  • Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu acknowledged his feat as he was hosted and presented with the Eyo Masquerade 3-D collection journalist Segun Adeyemi has over 9 years of experience covering political events, civil society, courts, and metro

Osborne-Ikoyi, Lagos Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu hosted Jaan Roose, the Estonian Slack Liner and World Record Holder, in Lagos on Friday, November 17.

The Deputy Governor, Dr Obafemi Hamzat, welcomed Roose on behalf of the governor at his official residence in Osborne-Ikoyi.

Jaan Roose, Lagos
Dr Obafemi Hamzat received Jaan Roose on behalf of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu. Photo Credit: Jubril Gawat
Source: Twitter

Hamzat highlighted Roose’s recent remarkable feat of walking on a rope across a bridge and train tracks in Lagos while holding the Nigerian Flag, emphasising that Roose’s achievement signifies that with focus and determination, nothing is impossible.

According to him, the event is a great lesson to all Nigerians, especially the youths, adding that:

“The lesson learnt from the event is that whatever you want to do, once you set your mind, you can do it, though there might be challenges but once you set your mind on it you can achieve it.”

Hamzat emphasised that Roose, despite being a regular human with two hands, was resolute in pursuing his goals.

He urged Nigerians to adopt a similar mindset, encouraging them to concentrate on their objectives rather than dwelling on problems or challenges.

Governor Sanwo-Olu commended Roose for showcasing the state during his slacklining performance, especially bringing attention to the operation of the blue rail in Lagos, which many people still need to be made aware of.

Reflecting on his Lagos experience, Roose described it as excellent and credited his teammates for their crucial support.

He added:

“I keep saying that I cannot do it alone as someone needs to film me, and others keep the thumbs up, as I always need their support up there. “

He mentioned that the unique vantage point allowed him to observe Lagos’ diverse transportation systems, including road, rail, and sea.

Roose acknowledged the city’s advancement and continual efforts to break boundaries, commending the government for contributing to this progress.

Man drags Guinness Records as Irish chef dethrones Hilda Baci

In another report, many Nigerians have reacted to the dethronement of Hilda Bassey Effiong by Irish chef Alan Fisher.

Guinness World Records broke the news on Tuesday, November 7, that Fisher shattered the Akwa Ibom’s chef record with a time of 119 hours and 57 minutes.

A man took the loss personally as he asked the organisation some serious questions about Fisher’s feat.


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