Lviv's top news for January 7

The writer Roman Didula died in Lviv, where to go in Lviv for the holidays, and also talked about the theory of the Great Border and steppe communities with the candidate of historical sciences Alexander Galenkom. About this review of ZAXID.NET news for Friday, January 7.

+ 222

As of January 7, the number of Lviv residents who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic is 100,367. +222 for the previous day).

Writer Roman Didula died in Lviv

He has been in intensive care with acute pulmonary insufficiency for the last few weeks.

New Year and Christmas in Lviv

Full program of events for winter holidays.

“The history of Ukraine is that someone fought for something”

They talked about the theory of the Great Border and the steppe community with Candidate of Historical Sciences Alex androm Galenko.

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