Canada, Finland Mask Up To Play Russian Team Decimated By COVID

BEIJING (AP) — Finland’s players wore masks in their women’s hockey game Tuesday night, becoming the second consecutive team to do so while facing the Russians.

The game Monday between the Russians and Canadians was delayed because of virus concerns. The Russian COVID-19 testing results from earlier in the day were not yet available by game time, and Russian players were testing positive before and after the team’s loss to the United States on Saturday.

The Canadians and Russians agreed to start the game in masks. The Russians took off theirs for the start of the third period, while the Canadians finished their 6-1 win with masks on.

Later, coach Evgeny Bobariko told state news agency RIA Novosti that Polina Bolgareva — who played against Canada — tested positive.

Finland beat Russia 5-0.

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