Man United set to take huge loss on England international

Manchester United will be hoping to build on their victory over West Ham United when they travel to face Aston Villa on Sunday. 

Erik ten Hag’s side cruised to a 3-0 win over the Hammers last time out, courtesy of a Rasmus Hojlund goal and a second-half brace from Alejandro Garnacho.

The result moves United ahead of West Ham and into sixth place in the Premier League, and Ten Hag will be hoping to see his side impress once again when they face Villa next time out.

In the meantime, it appears that the Manchester outfit are set to take a huge financial loss on one of their most expensive ever signings.

According to Football Insider, Man United will look for a fee in the region of £40-50 million for winger Jadon Sancho this summer.

Sancho endured a difficult spell in Manchester

The Englishman, who is currently on loan at German side Borussia Dortmund, cost United around £73 million when he joined the club from Dortmund back in 2021.

After failing to recreate the form he displayed in Germany, Sancho was excluded from the United squad just weeks into the current season after criticising Ten Hag on social media.

Sancho, 23, scored 12 goals and provided six assists in 82 matches for the Red Devils across all competitions, but it appears that he may have played his final game for the club.

Since returning to Germany, the winger has provided two assists in three Bundesliga matches.

Despite his phenomenal record for Dortmund over his two spells with the club, the German side are unlikely to be able to sign the player permanently this summer, the report claims.

Aside from the significant fee that United would still demand, the Bundesliga outfit would also struggle to afford Sancho’s high wages, according to the report.

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