Manny Pacquiao retires from fighting and glorifies God

Filipino Manny Pacquiao, Christian boxer and senator announced his retirement from boxing in a video posted on his social networks on Tuesday, in which the 42-year-old Pacquiao, he professed his

faith and gratitude to God, stating that his boxing career would not have been possible without the Lord.

Pacquiao became a professional boxer in 1995 and is ending his 26-year boxing career with 72 fights and a record of 62 wins, eight losses and two draws. He holds the record as the only boxer with 12 world titles in four different decades. He is also the oldest fighter to win a world title and the only fighter in history to win titles in eight division weight classes.

“God is good all the time. I give all the glory to God. I always believe that in God, all things are possible. Without Him I am nothing. He was the one who gave me the ability to train and do all these things. The Lord has given me overflowing blessings,” Pacquiao said in the video.

He thanked his family and many others he said have mentored him throughout his career. He recognized his training team, his former promoter, the media and his supporters.

Pacquiao says that the decision to retire was not an easy one as he never thought that this day would come, adding that boxing has given him opportunities he never imagined.

In addition to his boxing career, Pacquiao has pursued his political ambitions. In 2016, the boxer ran for and won the Philippine Senate and earlier this month, Pacquiao announced his intention to run in the Philippine presidential election in 2022.

“Today, I boldly accept the challenge of running for president of the Republic of the Philippines, with a message to those who are taking advantage of the Filipino people: Your time is running out!” he wrote second The Christian Post.

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