“Many of the key characters in Daejang-dong are escaping and hiding”… Opposition parties urge for measures such as withdrawal requests

“One owner of ‘Cheonhwadongin’
, a subsidiary of Hwacheon Daeyu, reported leaving the US with his wife”
Yoo Dong-gyu, who holds the key to the suspicion, also cut off contact
in the field, introduces the Special Prosecution Law and submits a request for national affairs
檢, the investigation begins… Board of Audit and Inspection “Thank you when necessary”
On the 23rd, in front of the People’s Power Daegu City Hall, an asset management company that participated in the development project in Daejang-dong, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. A banner asking the owner of ‘Hwacheon Daeyu’ is attached. News 1

with Democratic Party Lee Jae-myung presidential primary candidate It was reported on the 23rd that key figures have already disappeared or are trying to escape in connection with the suspicion of ‘Daejang-dong development preferential treatment’. It has been argued that the former head of the planning division of Seongnam Urban Development Corporation, Yoo Dong-gyu, who is known to have played a pivotal role in the development project, and a beneficial owner of Cheonhwa Dongin, a subsidiary of Hwacheon Daeyu, also fled to the United States. Amid growing public opinion that a speedy prosecution investigation is needed, the prosecution assigned the case to the 2nd Division of Public Investigation of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office. As the suspicion of development preference shifts from the political workshop to the prosecution investigation stage, it is expected that the presidential election, which is six months away, will fluctuate more depending on the future investigation. On this day, the opposition party continued a general offensive, demanding the introduction of a special prosecutor and a state investigation. People’s Power There was a report that one of the people involved in Doujin had already fled to the United States. I think a departure ban is absolutely necessary for the investigation.” An official from the People’s Power said on the phone, “Not only did Dong-gyu Yoo disappear, but one of the owners of Cheonhwa-dong fled to the United States with his wife, and the other person who served as a bridge between Seongnam Urban Development Corporation and Hwacheon Daeyu has also disappeared now.” . Rep. Park Soo-young also posted on Facebook on the 22nd, “Among those involved, the number of people who dive, those whose cell phones have been stopped, and those who have lost contact are increasing.” It disappeared from the website of Gangnam Law Firm, a law firm.” is a company It is known that the company purchased a 6% stake in Seongnam Garden, a special purpose corporation (SPC) for the development of Daejang-dong, with an investment of 300 million won, and received a dividend of 346.3 billion won over three years. Former general manager Yoo, who is suspected of designing the Seongnam Ui Garden profit distribution method and carrying out the business, is said to have recently changed his phone number and not contacted outsiders.

People’s Power Choo Kyung-ho, floor spokesperson Jeon Joo-hye, lawmaker Eun-hye Kim and floor leader Kwon Eun-hee (right) of the People’s Party (right) appointed a special prosecutor and a request for a state investigation to find out the truth about the suspicion of preferential treatment for Daejang-dong development to the National Assembly’s agenda on the 23rd We are submitting legislation on National Assembly Photo Reporters

People’s Power and People On the same day, the ruling party submitted a bill to introduce a special prosecutor and a request for a state investigation in the name of 107 lawmakers. Choo Kyung-ho, senior deputy floor leader of the People’s Power, said, “I expect that (candidate Lee) will agree as much as he said, ‘If I receive even one won, I will resign as a candidate for public office.'” At a press conference at the National Assembly on the same day, Justice Party presidential candidate Shim Sang-jung said to Prosecutor General Kim Oh-su, “If you give up a certain amount of profit and then give up your profits after that, you are either completely incompetent or irresponsible, or else there will be a controversy over breach of trust.” He said, “Appoint a special prosecutor and conduct a thorough investigation.”

On this day, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office announced that the Lee Jae-myung camp had three people, Kim Ki-hyun, floor leader of the People’s Strength, and Yoon Chang-hyun, disseminating false information under the Public Official Election Act and honoring them under the Information and Communications Network Act. The case accused of damage was assigned to the second part of the public investigation. Justice Minister Park Beom-gye said on the same day, “I think it is a matter that needs to be investigated quickly in accordance with the law and principles. I understand that candidate Lee is also in a position to reveal the truth, saying that he will actively respond to the investigation.” The police are also said to be looking at the flow of funds for the Daejang-dong development project. The Board of Audit and Inspection said in an answer submitted to Rep. Han-Hong Yoon of the People’s Strength on the same day, “If it is recognized as necessary, it is likely that the developer’s accounting can be inspected.”

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