Marvel: Spider-Man breaks (also) records at auction

BUSINESS – An original page of a 1984 Spider-Man comic has just reached the record sum of $ 3.36 million at auction. The proof, if need be, of the unalterable popularity of the spider-man, 60 years after his birth.

Jérôme Vermelin –

The boss of the box office is Peter Parker. With $1.6 billion in revenue worldwide since its release in early December, Spider-Man: No Way Home with Tom Holland is currently the 8th greatest success in the history of cinema. And it’s already the biggest hit of the Spider-Man solo, without the Avengers, far ahead of Sam Raimi’s popular trilogy in the early 2000s.

Sixty after its first appearance in the comic book Amazing Fantasy, the character created by Stan Lee and designer Steve Ditko therefore remains a safe bet at the box office. But not only. At an auction held last Friday in Dallas, an original panel of a comic book dating from 1984 reached the sum of 3.36 million dollars (2.9 million euros), the never seen for a superhero.

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The first appearance of the future Venom

Produced by illustrator Mike Zeck, this three-panel board is taken from comic book n°8 of “Secret Wars”, a series published between 1984 and 1985 by Marvel Comics. His particuliarity ? This is the first time the character puts on the black costume, actually an alien parasite that will give birth to Venom. A supervillain played by Topher Grace in Spider-Man 3 with Tobey Maguire then Tom Hardy in the two recently released films.

Heritage Auctions

Before going to auction for 3.6 million dollars, this board was initially offered at “only” 300,000 dollars. The previous record for an original page of an American comic dates back to 2014 when a page showing the first appearance of Wolverine for an issue of

The Incredible Hulk dating from 1974, had sold 657,250 dollars (573,650 euros).

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