Michael B. Jordan Speaks About Lori Harvey Split on SNL: It Was ‘My Very First Public Breakup’

Live from Studio 8H, it’s Michael B. Jordan!

The actor, 35, hosted Saturday Night Live for the first time over the weekend, where he was joined by Lil Babywho served as the evening’s musical guest.

During his opening monologueJordan detailed how he “went through my very first public breakup,” referring to his split from Lori Harvey in June 2022 after more than a year of dating.

“Most people after a breakup are like, ‘I’m going to get in better shape.’ But I was already in Creed shape!” he continued, referencing the upcoming boxing film he directed and stars in. “So I had to be like, ‘All right, I guess I’ll learn a new language.’ Anyway, estoy en Raya.”

SNL castmembers Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, My money and Punkie Johnson then tried to shoot their shot with Jordan — PEOPLE’s 2020 Sexiest Man Alive — with Nwodim, 34, rocking a wedding dress and Johnson, 37, poking fun at her own sexuality.

“Aren’t you gay?” Jordan asked Johnson as she flirted with him. In response, the star said, “I am. But you’re Michael B. Jordan. And I’m Punkie B. Curious. I mean, even vegans got cheat days, right?”

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During the show, Jordan took part in various sketches, including one where he played Jake from State Farmand another where he portrayed a Southwest agent in a sketch that poked fun at the airline.

One other moment from the show saw Jordan team up with Bowen Yang to record the grunts and sound effects needed for fighter video games.

Lil Baby, 28, made his official SNL debut and performed twice during the show, where he first sang “California Breeze,” before later taking the stage once more to croon his track “Forever.”

Both songs come off of the artist’s third studio album, It’s Only Mewhich was released in October 2022.

RELATED VIDEO: Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler Share Their Favorite SNL Moment: ‘We Were Laughing So Hard Our Wigs Came Off’

Season 48 of SNL has been taking place as the comedy sketch series navigates a major cast shakeup. Longtime series regulars Kate McKinnon, Pete Davidson, Aidy Bryant and Kyle Mooney exited after the season 47 finale.

PEOPLE then confirmed on Sept. 1 that the series was also losing Melissa Villasenor and Alex Moffatas well as featured player Aristotle Effect. Then, Chris Redd announced his departure from SNL after five seasons, while Cecily Strong left the show in December 2022.

On Sept. 15, NBC revealed the four new featured players joining SNL in season 48: Marcello Hernandez, Molly Kearney, Michael Longfellow and Devon Walker.

SNL creator Lorne Michaels recently called season 48 a “transition year,” telling reporters backstage at the 2022 Emmy Awards“There are new people, and things are changing, and a different generation comes into the show.”

Saturday Night Live will return on Feb. 4 with Peter Pascal serving as host and Coldplay as musical guest.

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