Microids signs deal to produce three new Garfield games

Big Fat Hairy Deal II?

Microids, curiously driven by a passion for old school licenses, has announced that it has signed a deal to produce three — three — new video games based on Jim Davis’ comic book creation, Garfield. The superstar moggy joins Microids’ portfolio of retro IPs that already promised new games based on Asterix, Tintin, and The Smurfs.

“We are thrilled by this new agreement with ViacomCBS Consumer Products!” writes Microids editorial director Alain Milly in a press statement. “Garfield is a well-known and family-friendly intellectual property fitting perfectly our portfolio made of popular franchises for all ages. Following successful collaborations on Garfield: Wild Ride and Garfield Kart Furious Racing, we are incredibly honored to work with ViacomCBS Consumer Products on three new games.”

Always more lasagna 🙀 Three new Garfield games will be released in the next few years!

Toujours plus de lasagnes 🙀 Garfield sera la star de 3 nouveaux jeux Microids qui sortiront progressivement au cours des prochaines années ! pic.twitter.com/ypVUNcuWmB

— Microids (@Microids_off) January 20, 2022

The new releases will not be the sardonic feline’s first foray into the realm of video games. Even as far back as the 1980s, Garfield was rocking home computers with titles such as Big Fat Hairy Deal and Winter’s Tale. More recently, Garfield was added to Smash-like fighter Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl as the title’s first DLC character. Garfield’s gaming career hasn’t exactly been five-star, but what do you what? He’s a lazy cat living a perpetual existential crisis.

There are no details at all pertaining to Microids’ new Garfield games. Not release windows, platforms, or genre. So maybe we’ll get some mobile games, maybe a lasagna baking sim… it probably won’t be a pachinko machine, we can at least be grateful for that. Whatever the spoils of this new deal, the new games better not drop on a Monday. He hates those, y’see? Even though he doesn’t actually have a job.

Chris Moyse

Senior Editor – Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s. Former Saturday Night Slam Master. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse

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