Mortal Kombat 1 adds horror icon Ghostface but not as you’ve seen him before

Ghostface has finally arrived in Mortal Kombat 1 as part of the new DLC characters included in the Kombat Pack 2 and Khaos Reigns DLC, but he’s a little different.

The iconic murderer, who stars in the Scream movie franchise, has a new mystery identity. Just like his movie counterparts, no one quite knows who this version of Ghostface is. In fact, it’s not just one Ghostface at all, but a trio of shadowy figures.

Twisting the knife further, two of them are Mortal Kombat characters in disguise, meaning only one is a guest from the original incarnation – and we don’t know which Scream character it is.

Mysterious murderer enters Mortal Kombat 1

Ghostface and his doppelganger stand either side of Kitana in Mortal Kombat 1

Surprise! Ghostface has some new friends
(Image: Warner Bros. Games)

Mortal Kombat is no stranger to guest characters. We’ve seen God of War’s Kratos, Freddy Krueger, The Joker, The Terminator, Robocop, and more.

In fact, just in this slate of DLC updates we’re getting Conan the Barbarian (complete with Arnie’s likeness), and Robert Patrick’s T-1000, but none of them are quite as mysterious as Ghostface’s introduction here.

In a new Kombat Kast from developer NetherRealm Studios, it was confirmed that Ghostface arrives from another universe (presumably the Scream franchise). His cohorts, however, are “not anonymous” according to Stephanie Brownback, lead QA analyst at the studio.

Each was seemingly recruited from the Mortal Kombat Black Dragon faction, with clues as to who they are to be revealed when they’re on screen.

Ghostface, and his doppelgangers, will arrive on November 26. If you’ve got the Premium or Kollector’s Edition of the game, however, you’ll be able to play as him next week on November 19.

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