My Kids’ Academic Success Is Not About Grades, but About Character

It’s common for parents to expect their children to have good grades in school. But for this family, this is not the priority. Let’s understand why.

Ashley is a mom of four boys and advocates for good behavior instead of good grades. She says, “Sure, I want to know if they can do their math facts and read on level. But I want to know if my kid saw the girl drop all her papers down the hall and just kept walking. Or if he stopped to help.”

She believes compassion and grace must be the parent’s top priority instead of how they are doing in school. Character traits such as empathy, resilience, integrity, and the ability to work well with others are qualities that contribute to a person’s overall growth and impact on the world. Cultivating a strong sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence can lead to healthier relationships and a deeper understanding of one’s purpose and values.

Extracurricular success and academic achievements are undoubtedly noteworthy and can bring short-term rewards, recognition, and opportunities. However, these accomplishments often represent only a small part of a person’s overall development and journey in life. While they may open doors and provide a sense of accomplishment, they do not define the essence of who someone truly is.

In the end, it’s the lasting effects of one’s actions and the positive influence they have on others and the world that truly matters. Being a kind, compassionate, and responsible individual who contributes positively to society can leave a far more significant and enduring legacy than any academic or extracurricular achievement alone.

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