The microsatellite Hypso-1 is a rarity because it has a mainly Norwegian-developed payload to be used for research. The satellite will be launched as part of Spacex’s Transporter 3 launch with the Falcon 9 rocket. This is the company’s recycling rocket .
The launch will be according to plan take place on Thursday at 16.25 Norwegian time (see video at the bottom of the case). If they are not allowed to launch the rocket within the 29-minute time window they have sat down, they have the opportunity to try again on Friday at the same time.
There is a group of researchers at NTNUs Smallsat lab that has developed the satellite. Roger Birkeland and Sivert Bakken, two of the developers, tell TU that the launch is an important milestone.
– It is important that Norwegian players can help build payloads in small satellites. Hopefully there will be more of this, says Birkeland.