Oil supply from Saudi Arabia, important announcement of the Minister of Finance

Islamabad: Saudi Arabia will once again supply oil to Pakistan on foreign payments, Finance Minister informed.

According to details, in his address to the National Assembly, the Finance Minister informed the House that after the rise in global crude oil prices, Pakistan is once again signing an agreement with Saudi Arabia for supply of oil on deferred payments, which is nearing completion. Details will come out in two to three days.

The Finance Minister said that there is no need to panic, the country’s economy is improving, not to increase the price of wheat in previous years. Production has come down, the present government is importing wheat due to shortage, wheat production has gone up from Rs 27 billion to Rs 30 billion next year.

Criticizing the opposition, the Finance Minister said that What has been done for agriculture in the last ten years? They are importing wheat even though it is an agricultural country. It should be a shame. Who did this? Shame on those who are three years old or those who are thirty years old.

The Finance Minister said that they are trying to make me a senator. This Finance Minister is not going anywhere. I have been the Finance Minister and Senator before.



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