One of the most famous foreigners continues in League 1, although he was called to another championship: “In vain we receive offers, he wants us”

Article by – Posted Tuesday, 11 January 2022, 01:16 / Updated Tuesday, 11 January 2022 01:31

Antun Palic (33 years old), one of the most famous foreigners in League 1, will continue at FC Argeș from 2022. The Croatian was courted by a team from Albania, but the Pitesti officials give

The midfielder has been in FC Argeș’s squad since October 2020. If last season he was among the important players of the white-violets, the situation has changed in the current season. Palic evolved a bit, caught only 10 matches, and a split had taken shape in the current competitive break .

According to Playsport , Palic should have reached Kukesi, the second place team in the Albanian championship. Meanwhile, the situation seems to have taken another turn. Palic is with FC Argeș in the training camp from Mogoșoaia and he even scored in Monday’s friendly with CS Mioveni, won 3-1.

FC Argeș officials give assurances: “In vain we receive offers, he wants from us”

Mihai Foamete, the president of the Board of Directors of Pitesti, detailed for Gazeta Sportulor the situation of the Croatian.

“In principle, Palic is a player under contract with FC Arges until June 2022. If he wants to leave or another team will be interested in him during this transfer period, we will discuss, but the one who has a say is the player. In vain we receive offers or other teams are interested, if he wants at FC Argeș .

He scored in a friendly, he mobilized and he wants to show that He is still a player who has a lot to say this season.

If I remember correctly, last year, after the winter camp, Palic had a series of very good matches. Maybe this is the time of year for them “, said the official from Pitesti, exclusively for

Antun Palic is on his third adventure in Romania. He played for Dinamo between 2015 and 2017, and a year later he returned to Stephen the Great. After other experiences in the Republic of Moldova (Sheriff Tiraspol) and Hungary (Kaposvar), the Croatian footballer signed with FC Argeș in October 2020, where he counted 38 games and 3 goals.

Antun Palic, with the whole family in Pitesti: “I don’t say diplomacy, we like life here”

Palic recently confessed that he got along very well in Pitești, where two of his children go to kindergarten.

„Me and the wife already has three children. A 5-year-old girl, two boys, one 3-year-old, another 4-month-old. The first two children are already in kindergarten, in Pitesti. They are also starting to learn Romanian, they have been there for two months.

Unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți străini continuă în Liga 1, deși a fost chemat în alt campionat: „Degeaba primim oferte, el vrea la noi”

Palic, celebrating the only goal of this season with the gallery of the people of Pitesti / Photo: GSP

The girl already knows how to count to 10, she is very proud. Life here is as beautiful for them as it is for us. And let me tell you – it was a scary diplomacy . ” ) Libertatea .

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