OnePlus Halted in Germany Again Due to 5G Patent Dispute

Tech media outlet Android Headline published a blog post on October 1st, reporting that OnePlus phones have once again been halted from sale in Germany due to a 5G technology patent dispute with InterDigital.

In January this year, OPPO and Nokia reached an agreement, and OnePlus phones returned to the German market. However, the current product ban involves 5G technology patents from the InterDigital company.

In an official statement released by OnePlus, the company stated:

“OnePlus highly values intellectual property and the fair acquisition of standard essential patents, which are crucial for promoting industry innovation.

We will continue to negotiate with InterDigital, hoping to resolve this matter in a friendly manner. At the same time, our commitment in Europe remains unchanged, and we will continue to provide our users with quality products and services.”

OnePlus and InterDigital are currently in negotiations, trying to resolve the new dispute. The current ban is only limited to OnePlus phones; German consumers can purchase the OnePlus Pad 2, Buds Pro 3, and Watch 2 through the company’s official website.

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