OPINION: I “banked” the electricity grid in my rural area, am I entitled to restitution?

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It is not very rare in our State of Rondônia and even outside it, when you acquire a rural property mainly, the same came without power grid, and so this is recent or many years ago, the owner popularly saying “to finance” the construction of the entire electrical enterprise.

Given that the owner of the property is obliged to carry out the electrical construction, including transformers, wires, poles, among others, otherwise he will run out of power.

But what few people know is that this project is incorporated by the electric concessionaire, that is, this property passes in a certain way to be hers, and consequently a financial restitution to those who built it. The positioning of the various Courts of Justice of the Brazil, including the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) is extremely favorable to restitution, in other words, thus condemning the local energy utility to return those who built at current values ​​in addition. Finally, if someone has come across or has gone through this, the most correct thing is to immediately look for a lawyer of your entire trust to clarify doubts and know how to proceed in order to live up to your Law.

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