Our Poco X4 Pro key features video is out

One of the more interesting midrange devices announced at this year’s MWC 2022 was the Poco X4 Pro which brings some key spec upgrades over its predecessor including a 120Hz AMOLED, Snapdragon 695 chipset with 5G connectivity and a 108MP main cam. Our latest video covers all the phone’s key features so let’s examine.

Poco likes to bring a lot of bang for your buck and at €300, the X4 Pro is definitely an appealing option. The phone features a sleeker main-stream design compared to last year’s X3 Pro with flat sides and a boxier camera island on the back. We’ll be putting the 108MP main cam through its paces in our full review so stay tuned for more on that front.

The software side is covered by MIUI 13 for Poco on top of Android 12 which runs smoothly and offers plenty of customization options. The 5,000 mAh battery comes with speedy 67W charging which should fully charge the battery in just over 40 minutes. Stay tuned for our full review coming soon.

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