Peru reports 508 infections and 12 deaths from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours

The Ministry of Health ( Minsa ) reported this Monday that To date, 199,520 deaths and 2,180,149 accumulated cases of new coronavirus have been registered at the national level.

According to the latest report from the portfolio led by Hernando Cevallos , this is an increase of 12 deaths in the last 24 hours. Regarding positive cases, there was an increase in 1,341: 508 were confirmed cases from October 4 and 833 were results from the previous seven days.

The portfolio indicated that there are currently 3 854 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 , of which 977 are in the ICU with mechanical ventilation.


Of the total confirmed cases, 2 157 065 people completed their period home isolation or were discharged from a health facility.

The Ministry of Health also indicated that samples for 18,088,014 people have been processed so far to detect the coronavirus, obtaining 15,907,865 negative results.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 , the Government recommends physical distancing of at least one meter of di someone else’s stay, wear a mask, wash hands frequently, and wear face shields on public transportation.

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Living Space | The Peruvian Society of Intensive Medicine (SOPEMI) warned that 90% of people who come to the ICU for coronavirus had not received any dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Elmer Huerta provides us with more details and explains why it is so important to be vaccinated.

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