Police station colleague died of liver cancer. New Taipei police chief Huang Zongren personally led the 16-point chief to the scene to send the last ride


Huang Zongren (former), the police chief of the New Taipei City Government, was reluctant to give up his colleagues for his untimely death. This morning, he led the 16th sub-bureau chief and deputy chief to attend Liu Hongwei’s farewell ceremony and sent him off for his last journey. (Photo by reporter Lin Jiadong)

2022/01/15 12 :07

[Reporter Lin Jiadong/New Taipei] Liu Hongwei, a policeman from Xizhi Police Station, Xizhi Police Branch, New Taipei City, joined police 26 In 2008, he performed well. In order to take care of his elderly mother and raise three children, he took up the burden of the family. He was a good colleague, a good gentleman, and a good father in the eyes of colleagues. Unfortunately, he died of liver cancer at the end of last year. New Taipei City Police Chief Huang Zongren was reluctant to let his colleagues die at an early age. This morning, he led 16 sub-bureau chiefs and deputy chiefs to attend Liu Hongwei’s farewell ceremony and see him off for his final journey.

After graduating from the Police College in 1995, Liu Hongwei took up the job of maintaining social order. In February 2000, he was dispatched to the Xizhi Branch to serve for more than 20 years. He has performed well in his work. In his eyes, he is a good policeman full of enthusiasm, a good senior who is hearty and informal in private, takes care of his younger generation, and is a policeman of Xizhi Branch who is not stingy to solve intractable diseases for the people, and is deeply recognized by the local people.

In September last year, Liu Hongwei was found to have stage 3 liver cancer due to physical discomfort. He was treated at Chung Ho Memorial Hospital Affiliated to Kaohsiung Medical University, and was admitted to the intensive care unit in early December. There was no improvement, and unfortunately passed away on December 30 at the age of 47.

Colleagues were very shocked and saddened to hear the news of Liu Hongwei’s death. They took the initiative to collect photos of Liu Hongwei’s career in the police and made a film to remember every bit of Hongwei’s memory.

Xizhi Police Station Director Lin Jianzhong pointed out that Hong Wei is not only a good colleague in the eyes of his colleagues, but also a good son, a good gentleman, and a good father. The children who are studying, bear the burden of the family with his wife, and still do not forget to participate in the growth process of the children in the spare time of official duties, which can be called a model of loyalty and filial piety.

Xizhi Branch assisted the family members to hold the farewell ceremony at the Keelung Municipal Funeral Home at 9:00 this morning. Huang Zongren, the chief of the New Taipei City Government Police Department, led his 16 sub-bureau chiefs and deputy chiefs to the scene to mourn and express condolences to their families.

In addition, Legislator Shen Fahui, Legislator Lai Pinyu, New Taipei City Council Member Bai Peiru, Zhou Yaling, Zhang Jinhao, Liao Xianxiang, Xizhi District Cooperative Civilian Forces and Police Friends, etc. People from all walks of life also came to express their condolences one by one, sent Hong Wei on his last journey, and remembered Hong Wei’s selfless contribution to the police work in Xizhi area before his death.

Chen Chaoxin, director of Xizhi Branch, emphasized that he will continue to do his best to provide care and assistance to Hongwei’s relatives, and to comfort Hongwei’s spirit in the sky.

Liu Hongwei, a police officer from Xizhi Police Station, Xizhi Police Station, New Taipei City, has been a police officer for 26 years and has performed outstandingly. An elderly mother who has raised three children, shoulders the burden of the family, is a good colleague, a good husband, and a good father in the eyes of my colleagues. Unfortunately, she died of liver cancer at the end of last year. (Reporter Lin Jiadong flipped)

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