Post office robber arrested, three on the run

The police in the Eastern Cape is on the hunt for three suspects who allegedly robbed a post office in Ngqamakhwe on Tuesday, 15 March.


South African Police Service (SAPS) spokesperson Captain Siphokazi Mawisa said four men entered a post office and fired shots while the staff were busying themselves with their normal duties.

“One male among the four unknown males pointed one of the staff with a firearm and demanded money,” said Mawisa.


The suspects took an undisclosed amount of cash. A 29-year-old suspect was arrested but his three accomplices managed to evade the police, who say their arrest is imminent.

Brigadier Ngangema Xakavu, the district commissioner, said he appreciated the quick response by the authorities and encouraged them to investigate properly to ensure the suspects on the run are brought to book.


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