PowerBall and PowerBall Plus results: Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Get the PowerBall and PowerBall Plus results as soon as they are drawn on The Citizen, so you can rest easy and check your tickets with confidence.

Estimated PowerBall and PowerBall Plus jackpots for 22 February 2022:

PowerBall jackpot: R16 million.

PowerBall Plus jackpot: R37 million.

Here are the winning PowerBall results for Tuesday, 22 February 2022:

While great care has been taken to ensure accuracy, The Citizen cannot take responsibility for any error in the PowerBall or PowerBall Plus results. We suggest verifying the numbers on the National Lottery website.

The winning PowerBall numbers will appear below after the draw. Usually within 10 minutes of the draw. You might need to refresh the page to see the updated results.

PowerBall:  18, 29, 31, 32, 49. Powerball:  01.

PowerBall Plus: 22, 33, 36, 42, 43. Powerball:  04.

For more details and to verify the PowerBall results, visit the National Lottery website.

When do South African national Lottery ticket sales close? 

Lottery outlets close at 8.30pm on the day of a draw, which happens at 9pm. The terms and conditions may differ from other service outlets. Visit www.nationallottery.co.za for more information.

You can find the historical winning numbers for PowerBall and Lotto draws here.

How much does it cost to play PowerBall?

PowerBall entries cost R5 per board including VAT. PowerBall Plus costs an additional R2.50 per board. You can also play PowerBall on selected banking apps (T’s & C’s apply).

Visit www.nationallottery.co.za and go to the How to Play section to find out more.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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