Prevent Corona Expert Council collapse

Corona Expert Council | Shorter quarantine should prevent system collapse

At BILD LIVE, the experts Prof. Klaus Stöhr, Dr. Andreas Gassen and Prof. Stefan Kooths (from left) what has to happen nowFoto: BILD Live

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At BILD LIVE, the experts Prof. Klaus Stöhr, Dr. Andreas Gassen and Prof. Stefan Kooths (from left), what has to happen now Photo: BILD Live

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Crisis switch of the 19-member Corona Expert Council of the Federal Government!

The scientists advised in the run-up to the next Prime Minister’s Conference on Friday: Should the quarantine obligation for infections with Omikron be shortened for positive testers and their contact persons (previously: mostly 14 days)?

In view of the threatening millions of infections, di urges you e time for the country to remain able to act. Abroad (Great Britain, France) the quarantine rules have already been adjusted due to the mostly milder infections. According to BILD information, the RKI has already submitted new proposals.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (58, SPD) also wants shorter self-isolation, since the time from infection to the end of the disease is shorter with the Omikron variant than with Delta. Contact persons to infected people should also be able to test themselves more quickly. The “BILD Expert Council” of the most renowned experts met at BILD LIVE.

► Virologist Prof. Klaus Stöhr (63) wants to exempt completely vaccinated people from the quarantine obligation if they only had contact with infected people. Stöhr warns of scaremongering: “More and more people are infected, but always milder.” And: “There are very good data from the USA on how few children are affected.”

► Head of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Andreas Gassen (59) is against contact persons Omikron sufferers have to be “automatically” quarantined. That is “certainly not really adequate”.

► Business professor Stefan Kooths (52, Kiel Institute for the World Economy) warned against “too drastic measures” as long as the health system has air.

Because: mass quarantine would be tantamount to a lockdown – with the risk of a severe collapse in the economy.

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