Prosiebensat.1 sells Amorelie internet sex shop

  • To EQOM

Prosiebensat.1 continues to sell Internet sex shop Amorelie

ProSiebenSat.1 is currently parting with companies that are no longer part of their core business. Amorelie co-founder Lea-Sophie Cramer is also selling her shares in the flagship startup.

Amorelie wurde von Lea-Sophie Cramer gegründet
Amorelie was founded by Lea-Sophie Cramer

The TV group Prosiebensat.1 sells its online sex shop Amorelie to the EQOM Group, which is one of the leading companies in the erotic industry in Europe. EQOM boss Eric Idema said on Friday: “Together we can now continue to grow.” No information was given on the purchase price.

Amorelie was founded in 2013 in Berlin by Lea-Sophie Cramer and Sebastian Pollok founded. In 2014, Prosiebensat.1 took a stake in the startup and made it known through television advertising. So far, the ProSiebensat.1 subsidiary Nucom Group, in which the financial investor General Atlantic has a stake, held 98 percent of Amorelie . The founder Lea-Sophie Cramer still owned the remaining two percent. When it was acquired in 2018, the media group valued the startup

at almost 100 million euros. Nucom and Cramer now want to sell all shares in EQOM. After approval by the antitrust authorities, the deal should be concluded by the end of the year.

Lea-Sophie Cramer still in the search process

Cramer does not want to comment on the deal when asked by the start-up scene. She left her startup almost two years ago and wanted to take a break before starting something new. So far, nothing is known about a new startup. In addition to her work as an angel investor, she is currently primarily active as a coach and business influencer. Her Amorelie co-founder Sebastian Pollok left the company in 2018 and has since built up the Berlin VC Visionaries Club.

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After Prosiebensat.1 made the Amorelie brand known in Germany, Austria and Switzerland through TV advertising She should now expand across Europe, said Amorelie CEO Claire Midwood. According to EQOM, “wants to raise the sexual wellbeing industry to a higher level. This is to ensure that every European has a sex toy on the bedside table. “

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