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Leading Brazil-based global producer Globo has taken its telenovela version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Passion to Romania on the TVR 2 channel.
Globo pride and passion E23Jan2022

Inspired by the classic book, the telenovela tells the story of a romance between two characters with different personalities and from two different worlds in the early 20th century. It is written by Marcos Bernstein and Victor Atherino, with the collaboration of Juliana Perez and Giovana Moraes, with art direction of Fred Mayrink.

The romantic and comedy-sprinkled story shows the conflicts of Elisabeta (Nathalia Dill), a simple young woman decided to conquer the world in a society where marriage is seen as the only possible future for a girl from a good family, going completely against what the family wishes for her. However, everything changes when she meets Darcy (Thiago Lacerda) a wealthy man with an admirable character and with a social position totally opposite from hers.

Globo’s story has been an audience leader in access primetime in Brazil and has already been licensed to countries such as Chile, Costa Rica and El Salvador. It approaches issues pertaining to customs of the time, such as the value of marriage in society, feminism and financial crisis.

“The telenovela has thrill, drama and comedy, always with a romantic background wrapping the entire plot”, commented writer Marcos Bernstein. Added director Fred Mayrink: “Despite being a period drama, Pride and Passion presents a dynamic text, very light and fresh.”

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