Refrigerator this time … Amazon is developing a new product that manages your eating habits smartly
2021.10.07 09:00
Brianna Provenzano –Gizmodo US
( Shingo Yugi )
Photo: David Becker / Stinger, Getty Images
How much do you want to rely on? Amazon (Amazon) is steadily entering the depths of our lives. Jumping beyond the realm of convenient online shopping, almost every day Alexa (Alexa) Some people may be indebted to smart speakers and smart displays. Among them, the inside of the house is Amazon’s robot Will it be normal for to run around and take charge of home security? Recently Insider is Amazon’s latest initiative that permeates our lives even more, and what Smart refrigerator “ Suggest menu Will Amazon be able to build a lifestyle as it wishes, such as by having them purchase ingredients while doing so? The most worrisome thing is that this is common to all products that are already called smart, but Is privacy okay? Isn’t all personal information about food and health leaked to Amazon? Already influential Home appliance maker and negotiations Proceed with and We are pushing toward commercialization Project Pulse. However, it seems that it will be a little further before it reaches the general public. Because, in other words, automatically Amazon Fresh and other services, and you can order food from the smart refrigerator Celebrity users It seems to be a strategy to sell Project Pulse from, and for the time being it is a fairly expensive product seems to be the only one. It may be even more in the future that it will appear for users who are aiming for bargain items at supermarkets and trying to save money, right? Source: Insider
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