Restriction to universalizations

Annual Conference of the EOL Rosario Section

Tomorrow and Saturday, the School of Lacanian Orientation organizes a new edition under the title “No-todo”.

-everything”. The pandemic has accustomed us to the realization of these events in a virtual way, by zoom. Although the return to the times in which these events were held in person is foreseen, a year and a half ago, the virtual route has taken the space of the different activities of the Section as well as other institutions.

This time has not stopped producing an accustoming, an accommodation of the subjects and the different social actors to this digital modality of ties. Although we have missed the moments of the encounters, of sharing a table or a drink, a hug or a handshake and consequently we have been eager to re-experience those closeness, that does not mean that the possibility of returning to those events , to the offices, to the workplaces in general also arouse some anxiety given that accommodation produced. The aphorism “man is a customary animal” has never been so true.

That not-all that these days will address implies as its name implies, a restriction to the whole. Restriction to universalizations, whatever their order. Lacan manufactures this not-all from logic and turns it into an operator for our practice that consists in logically affirming that not-all is of a phallic order. That there is a jouissance, difficult to symbolize, that is properly feminine. That not-all is a direct reference to the feminine, then. We trace the origins of this not-all in Freud in his claim that the drive is always partial, not-all.

We always We find a restriction, an incompleteness, an uncompletion to all illusion of completeness, of universalization.

This not-everything allows psychoanalysis to enter in current debates (for example, those referring to gender debates that currently produce and move the prevailing discourses). There is no representation in the unconscious of sexual difference, each with its own enjoyment, just as there is no representation of death, as Freud said.

This implies locating a change in status and situation: it is about the passage from the logic of the Whole to the logic of the not-all that governs our time. Fall of traditional identifications. A time when the symptoms appear without their sense face, they are symptoms that do not speak, which lead us to enter a clinic of the “non-sense”.

On Friday the director of the Section Daniel Perretta and Adrián Scheinkestel, interlocutor of the Statutory Council of the EOL with the Rosario Section will give the opening of the conference. Then she will present her testimony of Pass the School Analyst (AE) Irene Kuperwajs, to close with the presentation of the 30 Annual Conference of the EOL “The feminine outside gender” by Raquel Vargas.

On Saturday they will continue with the intervention of a former AE, Silvia Salman, who will speak about “El no-todo. Drifts and limits ”. And then there will be two conversation tables with works by authors of the Section and readers. The closing with Fernando Vitale, Carolina Rovere and Daniel Perretta.

We invite those close to the Section and colleagues from different fields to participate in the days. Registration can be made at

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