Rıdvan Dilmen: Do you want to put people on the streets?

Evaluating the match in which Galatasaray lost 4-2 to Hatayspor, Rıdvan Dilmen lashed out at TFF.

Sunday, January 16, 2022, 22:13

Rıdvan Dilmen:  İnsanları sokağa mı dökmek istiyorsunuz?Rıdvan Dilmen:  İnsanları sokağa mı dökmek istiyorsunuz?


Rıdvan Dilmen, who is a football commentator at TRT Spor, heavily criticized TFF. Dilmen’s statements are as follows:

“What are the men who insult the President of this country doing in the TFF? You were examining the Turkish Republic ID numbers? Let’s say, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. You can’t do it to him either. Ali You can’t curse coach, Burak Elmas, Ahmet Ağaoğlu. Don’t do it for the sake of it. Do you want to throw people out on the street? What do you want to do? I have never seen such ugliness and disgrace in my life. Some people act as a representative in their own way. Don’t do this!”

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