RPGCast – Episode 472: “Guess I’m A Speedrunner Now!”

6 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, I had to trade a lot of games in when I was younger to afford new ones. Half of my favorite games got traded in, including my complete earthbound set to pay for part of a n64. That was a bad choice! Thankfully I can afford to repurchase some, like the lunar ssc set I just got in the mail yesterday. I will never sell it again.

  2. Even though they’ve been re-released on multiple consoles and my SNES Mini somehow ended up with all of them for reasons I can’t readily explain, I can’t bear to get rid of my SNES collection. Especially now that the relative who got my brother and I the SNES passed away suddenly last year.

    As it pertains to 3DS sales, the companies who would normally support it alongside Nintendo have mostly moved to Switch. (NISA is particularly all in after the 3DS Culdcept Revolt, um, bombed.) So it’s literally Nintendo and Atlus left. Atlus games are making NPD top 10s in their launch months, but not even Nintendo is guaranteed to have that level of sales in North America; Sushi Striker missed the top 10 in June for 3DS. And in Japan, EOX and WarioWare sales were way down compared to the previous titles in their launch week.

    I think 2019 will see EOX, PQ2, and the Bowser’s Inside Story remake on 3DS in NA and that’ll about wrap it up.

  3. I’m not sure how well this question applies to me, because I’ve never traded in a game. Partially because I’m not that hard up for cash that I’d want to bother and partially because you get so little for trading in games it’s insulting. I don’t want to be helping out places that have the business model of buying used games for dirt cheap and selling them back at extremely small discounts off the new game price to get pure profit for nothing but ripping everyone else (person who traded in the game, person buying the used game, and game creator all ripped off).

    So I’ll answer the summon question instead. I’d go with Bahamut or Alexander, but I’ll choose Alexander because Bahamut is the obvious one. Nice to have a holy element type summon, because it’s typically rare in FF and Alexander just looks awesome.

  4. I did once swamp a nes Bucky O’Hara for a 3ds. That was a great trade.

  5. Here’s a little World of Warcraft story clarification on Varimathras, the demon who used to serve under Sylvanas. In Wrath of the Lich King, Varimathras openly rebelled against Sylvanas and got killed, after the Battle for Wrathgate. The entire scenario where this happens (The Siege of Undercity, Horde side) was later completely removed from the game.

    In Legion, it’s revealed that Varimathras (like all slain demons that do not die in the Twisting Nether) revived on Argus, and has been imprisoned and tortured ever since as punishment for his failure. This is the crazed Varimathras that the player fights as an Antorus raid boss.

    QotW: I will sell (or delete off my hard drive/game console) most games once I think I’m done with them. But I can’t bring myself to part with my physical copy of Super Mario 64 DS, purely out of sentiment. The cart has a save file from when someone very important to me played it.

  6. In terms of value, I think it’s Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (that game goes for well over $100 used) but for sentimental value it’s Wing Commander 3&4 which aren’t really worth anything, but I love those games and all the maps and other cool paraphernalia that come with them 🙂

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