Ship traffic in the Bosphorus has been suspended in both directions

Ship traffic in the Bosphorus was suspended in two directions due to the engine failure of the ship named Brave Night in the north of Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge.

Sunday, January 16, 2022, 22:54

İstanbul Boğazı'nda gemi trafiği çift yönlü askıya alındıİstanbul Boğazı'nda gemi trafiği çift yönlü askıya alındı


To the north of Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, the ship named Brave Night had a machine failure. Ship traffic in the Bosphorus was suspended in both directions due to the supply. “Our KURTARMA-8 tugboat, our KEGM-6 boat and our pilot captain were promptly diverted to the area for the dry cargo ship BRAVE NIGHT, which had a machine failure in the north of Selim Bridge. Bosphorus traffic was suspended in both directions.” expressions were used..

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