Snap rolls out new way to let users keep their Snap Streaks going

The company now allows users to restore their beloved streaks


Is there anything worse than losing a Snap Streak?

While the obvious answer is yes, teenage me didn’t always see it like that.

Snap Streaks are a feature on Snapchat that track how often users send each other daily snaps. According to the company’s website, you and a friend are on a streak if you’ve sent snaps to each other for three consecutive days. Doing so leads to a fire emoji next to your friend’s account name.

The rules have been strict; miss one day and the streak expires. But now the company has rolled out a new feature that could change the rules of the game.

“We’re making it easier to take a break with a new feature we’re testing to let you reignite the spark and restore one streak for free with just one tap,” the company writes in a blog post.

Users will only be able to restore their streak once. According to TechCrunchit’ll cost American users an additional 99 cents (roughly $1.36 CAD) to add more restores. It’s unclear what the pricing for Canadian users will look like.

The company will further roll out the benefit under its subscription program Snapchat+ “soon.”

“We’ll also be adding a new way for Snapchat+ subscribers to freeze their Streaks, putting things on pause when they know they’re going off the grid,” the company says.

The news follows the company’s jump on the ChatGPT bandwagon. Snap will soon introduce its own chatbot called My AI.

Source: Snap, TechCrunch

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