Sony begins rolling out Android 12 for Xperia 1 II and Xperia Pro-I

Sony has now started rolling out Android 12 to 2019’s Xperia 1 II and the previous flagship Xperia Pro having previously updated the Xperia 1 III and Xperia 5 III late last month.

The duo is separated by some slight design changes and the ability to connect to your Sony Alpha camera. However, that means nothing, as the Android 12 rollout is now in its early stages for the Xperia 1 II and the Xperia Pro with both builds also including the January 2022 security patch (h/t XDA).

While Sony has not exactly taken the market by storm with its reimagined Xperia lineup, the hardware and software is genuinely among the best in the industry. Lightweight touches and usability enhancements for the 21:9 aspect ratio are the names of the game with Sony’s approach to its own Android skin.

We’d even go so far as to say that the Xperia version of Android 12 is about the closest to the flavor seen on Google Pixel hardware save Android One handsets. You’ll get the enhanced Privacy Dashboard, Nearby Share for Wi-Fi networks, plus the expanded screenshot feature seen on Pixels, but the rest of the software changes remain light.

For those with the global single-SIM variant Xperia 1 II (XQ-AT51), the Android 12 update comes with software build number 58.2.A.0.899. Those rocking the dual SIM US variant Xperia Pro (XQ-AQ62) should keep an eye out for software version 58.2.A.0.899. It seems that this rollout is also starting in the United States first, but we’d wager a wider rollout will begin very soon.

More on Android 12:

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About the Author

Damien Wilde


Damien is a UK-based video producer for 9to5Google. Find him on Twitter: @iamdamienwilde. Email:

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