Still Continued in October 2021, Here are 2 Ways to Check Electricity Discounts from PLN, Jakarta – Electricity stimulus or discount program PLN will continue until October 2021. The public can check it in two ways.

Previously, the Government through PT PLN (Persero) did extend This electricity stimulus is until the end of the year. This assistance is given to household customers as well as micro, small and medium enterprises.

“GREAT NEWS!! Stimulus electricity is extended until December 2021! This electric stimulus is given to household customers, as well as micro, small and medium enterprises ( UMKM),” said the explanation as quoted from the Instagram account @pln123_official, Wednesday (06/10/2021).

This PLN electricity discount will be given directly to customers. For postpaid customers, the discount is given directly by deducting the customer’s electricity bill. Meanwhile, for prepaid customers, a discount will be given when purchasing electricity tokens.

Well, for people who are curious about getting an electricity stimulus from PLN or not, you can directly check it with two ways. Checks can be done through the PLN website or the PLN Mobile application.

To find out the truth of the circulating information, please WhatsApp to the number 0811 9787 670 just by typing the desired keyword.

PLN provides information on how customers can access free electricity through or the whatsapp application. In addition to free electricity, there are also discounts to help residents affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

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