Student performance in Germany has deteriorated significantly

Panorama ifo Center for the Economics of Education

Zwar zeigte die Lernkurve bis 2010 nach oben, seitdem fällt sie aber stetig abZwar zeigte die Lernkurve bis 2010 nach oben, seitdem fällt sie aber stetig ab

The learning curve up to 2 010 upwards, but since then it has been falling steadily

Source: pa / dpa / Peter Kneffel

According to an analysis by the Ifo Center for Educational Economics, the performance of students in this country has clearly declined. “It upsets me that the ministers of education accept this decline,” says an education economist.

D ie Student performance in Germany has clearly deteriorated in Germany. According to the weekly newspaper “Zeit”, this is the result of an evaluation by the Munich education economist Ludger Wößmann from the Ifo Center for the Economics of Education. “We are in the middle of decline”, quoted the weekly newspaper Woessmann.

The education economist has evaluated the results of a total of 43 education tests from the past 20 years and combined into a curve. These included the Pisa studies, studies such as Timss on mathematics and the natural sciences, igloos for reading and the regular comparisons of performance between the federal states by the Institute for Quality Development in Education.

Accordingly, in the years 2000 to 2010 the curve should have pointed upwards: “Converted into learning material, the students in 2010 learned on average around 70 to 90 percent of a school year more than in 2000,” said Wößmann “Time”. This can be seen in different manifestations in all subjects examined, such as German, math and the natural sciences.

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But according to Woessmann’s analysis, Germany’s students have again lost 60 percent of their performance gains since 2010. “It upsets me that the ministers of education are accepting this decline,” says the education economist, “and selling one aspect as good news after every educational study. According to the motto: It’s not that bad. “

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