Sweden vs. Australia live updates: Women’s World Cup 2023 third-place game

Sweden was victorious over co-host Australia for third-place honors at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup (on FOX and the FOX Sports app) at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Australia.

With a goal in each half, Sweden found success in its relentless offensive pressure and clean finishes on opportunities. Australia competed fiercely, bolstered by a raucous home crowd, but it couldn’t find the net in the end, and Sweden secured the third-place finish at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup

Here are the highlights from the third-place matchup!

FINAL: Sweden 2, Australia 0

95′: Sweden takes third!

With the win, Sweden became the first nation to take third place four times at the FIFA Women’s World Cup.

77′: Kerr hits the ground

Sam Kerr took a hard hit and remained on the ground for a while, but she was able to get back on her feet and walk off the field to the thunderous applause of her home crowd.

70′: Lightning-quick reflexes

Sweden’s Musovic reacted quickly to the chaos in the box following a free kick, preventing Australia from getting back into the game.

62′: Double it!

Sweden’s offensive pressure paid off when it charged down the field in transition and Kosovare Asllani tucked the ball into the far corner of the net to put Sweden up 2-0.

Sweden’s Kosovare Asllani scores goal vs. Australia in 62′

52′: Swinging in the second half

Sweden came out of the gate with renewed energy in the second half, finding gaps in the defense and making breakaway attacks.

51′: Kerr thwarted

ln extra time of the first half, Musovic made a brilliant save to stop Sam Kerr’s rocket, keeping Sweden in the lead at halftime.

30′: First goal of the match!

After a foul inside the box was called on Australia, Sweden was awarded the penalty kick, and Rolfo capitalized with a clinical finish to put her team up 1-0.

Sweden’s Fridolina Rolfo scores goal vs. Australia in 30′

26′: Off the head, off the post

Fridolina Rolfo connected on a cross with her head, but the ball bounced heartbreakingly off the crossbar.

23′: Raso on frame

Hayley Raso tamed a cross and blasted a shot on goal, but Swedish goalkeeper Zecira Musovic got just enough of a hand on the ball to deflect it. 

17′: Matildas making moves

Despite Sweden’s high press to start the game, the Australian offense found its footing and began creating opportunities in the final third of the field.

3′: Full speed ahead

Sweden applied the pressure from the get-go, driving into the opposing box multiple times in the first few minutes, but Australian goalkeeper Mackenzie Arnold handled the attacks with poise.


Setting the stage

The “World Cup NOW” crew previewed the match live on social media ahead of kickoff.

Starting lineups

Check out the full Women’s World Cup schedule and how to watch each match live here. Find the latest scores here.

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