Swedish Medical Center Announces HCA Healthcare’s Top Score on 2023 Disability Equality Index®

Englewood, CO, July 24, 2023 –(PR.com)– Swedish Medical Center, part of HCA Healthcare, today announced HCA Healthcare has been named a “Best Place to Work for Disability” by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the nation’s largest disability rights organization, and Disability: IN, the global business disability inclusion network to collectively advance the inclusion of people with disabilities. HCA Healthcare earned a top score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index® (DEI) for its commitment to workplace inclusion.

“This recognition is incredibility important to our mission: being committed to the care and improvement of human life. Swedish Medical Center is a place where everyone, patient or colleague, can feel safe, seen and supported,” said Ryan Tobin, CEO of Swedish Medical Center.

In the United States, up to 1 in 4 people have a disability. Launched in 2015 by the AAPD and Disability:IN, the DEI provides companies with benchmarking scores ranging from 0-100 to help them build a roadmap of measurable, tangible actions that they can take to achieve disability inclusion and equality. This year, 485 corporations utilized the DEI, 294 of which earned a top score of 100.

“Businesses have the power to drive the global advancement of disability inclusion, and we’re thrilled to see more companies than ever leverage the Disability Equality Index to measure their progress. We recognize these top-scoring companies as a ‘Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion’ for their passion and efforts to lead the way in creating greater equity for people with disabilities in the workplace, marketplace, and supply chain,” said Jill Houghton, president and chief executive officer of Disability:IN.

HCA Healthcare is committed to supporting colleagues in their work, creating opportunities for connection and dialogue and developing diverse talent. Resources available to colleagues include:

· Benefits coverage for hearing aids, vision care and mental wellness support for full and part-time colleagues.
· The HCA Healthcare Diversability Colleague Network, designed to advance awareness and inclusion for colleagues with disabilities, as well as those who serve as caregivers or advocates for persons with disabilities.
· BRAVE Conversations, a program provided to colleagues with opportunities to discuss complex topics through a safe, immersive dialogue experience.

In addition to fostering an inclusive workplace, HCA Healthcare strives to provide its patients with equitable access to care. HCA Healthcare facilities have established policies and procedures describing appropriate steps and accommodations available for people with disabilities, such as in the case of an evacuation. The Company’s internal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) teams regularly evaluate facilities to help the Company address accessibility concerns to remove barriers to receiving care. HCA Healthcare also has a dedicated team focused on digital accessibility to help make digital products and resources accessible.

About Swedish Medical Center
Swedish Medical Center is located in the south metro Denver area where it has been a proud member of the community for more than 110 years. An acute care hospital with 408 licensed beds, annually Swedish cares for more than 200,000 patients with a team of approximately 2,000 dedicated employees, 300 volunteers and 1,400 physicians.

As a national leader in neurosciences, Swedish serves as the hub of the Swedish Neuro Network. The hospital is the Rocky Mountain Region’s preeminent referral center for the most advanced stroke treatment and was the state’s first Joint Commission certified Comprehensive Stroke Center. Swedish also is home to Colorado’s first fully comprehensive robotics program with nine robots in dedicated robotics operating rooms; patients benefit from a high level of specialization with robotics-trained caregivers at every stage of treatment, as well as robotics-specific design in the program’s dedicated pre-op, ORs, PACU and inpatient spaces. As the region’s neurotrauma and orthopedic trauma provider and a level I trauma facility, more than 150 facilities regularly transfer highly complex cases to Swedish. The trauma program includes a burn and reconstructive center, which has been certified for adult burn care by the American Burn Association and recognized nationally for providing the highest quality of care to adult and pediatric burn and reconstructive patients.

Swedish Medical Center is proud to be a part of the HCA Healthcare’s Continental Division, which was named the top health system in the state by IBM Watson Health and our system was named one of the top five large health systems in the country. This division includes our local system, HealthONE, which also received recognition as the top health system in the state by IBM Watson Health. Consistently among the Denver Business Journals’ list of top corporate philanthropists in the Denver-metro area, HealthONE contributed more than $889,000 through cash and in-kind donations last year alone, and also provided $677M in charity, uninsured and other uncompensated care along with nearly $200M in federal, state and local taxes.

Swedish Medical Center
Richard Grissom
(303) 788-5944



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