The drastic measure taken by CS Mioveni against Dinamo, after Eșanu seriously injured Bogdan Rusu

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Date of publication: Monday 17 January 2022, 16:57

Date of update: Monday 17 January 2022 , 16:58

Rusu was hit hard by Dinamo goalkeeper Mihai Eșanu , in a duel for the ball, and the striker from CS Mioveni suffered a lot of fractures in the face area, and will be absent from the field for about six weeks.

The mayor of Mioveni: “We are removing from discussion any other future matches with Dinamo, apart from the official ones”

Ion Georgescu, the mayor of Mioveni, he had a harsh reaction on Facebook, criticizing “the total indifference of the moral factors involved, but also the lack of fair play”. At the same time, the mayor announces that the CS Mioveni team will never play friendly matches against Dinamo again.


It’s been almost a week since Bogdan Rusu, the striker of our football team, suffered a serious injury, in the training match with Dinamo Bucharest. friendly, without stakes and without pride, abnormally ended with serious fractures, terrible pain, 10 hours in the Emergency Department and 6 long weeks of unavailability.

Worse and incomprehensible is the fact that almost a week has passed, during which time no official of the Bucharest club was interested in the state of health of our player, who suffered several fractures in the area of ​​the face, from the head to the jaw and under the eyes.An ugly injury that could have been avoided, an episode that could e.

Unfortunately I find a total indifference of the moral factors involved , but also the lack of fairpaly, which make us discuss any other future matches with the Dinamo team, apart from the official ones.

I also convey to the management of CS Mioveni to always firmly defend their interests and to protect their athletes from situations from which they suffer. .

Quick recovery Bogdan and good health!

We need you in the field! “, wrote the mayor Ion Georgescu.

Bogdan Rusu spent ten hours in the Emergency Department

The striker will be out of action for at least a month and a half, which means he will miss the restart of League 1.

“I was him ovitis and around the hip, not just in front. And when I got in the car, I had a discomfort in my hip. Esanu entered me with his fists, then with his whole body inside me. He has a fractured finger. I don’t know how that happened …

He he came to me with all his might and he was also injured. However, I tend to think it was unintentional. I didn’t see him coming. If we saw him coming, we’d let him out. I think that Eșanu could still avoid contact “, said Rusu for” Sport Marathon “.

author logo “I stayed in bed for about ten hours at the Emergency Department, at Elias, my doctors did all kinds of tests. From what they told me, I have fractures in my face, from my head to my jaw and under my eyes. They will heal in 4 to 6 weeks, that’s how it should be “, said the football player from Mioveni.

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