The most searched word on Bing is… “Google”

Bing, the search engine of Microsoft, will perhaps help Google to escape a fine of 4.8 billion euros imposed by the European Commission… By collecting in the process a small humiliation!

The most searched keyword on Bing is “Google”! This is one of the arguments put forward by Google lawyers to European justice to prevent the search engine from paying a fine of 4.8 billion euros. After an investigation, Brussels found that Google was guilty of unfair competition with Android.

Microsoft to the rescue of Google

In addition to the hefty fine, the Commission demands that Google stop imposing on Android manufacturers the pre-installation of Chrome and the search engine itself. The company’s response is simple: what users want is to use Google on their smartphones. Hence this Bing usage statistic which will probably not please Microsoft. Google uses a report from Ahrefs, an SEO company, which indicates that “Google” is indeed the first keyword searched in Bing. Follow “YouTube”, “Facebook”, “Gmail” and “Amazon”: Google therefore places two other of its services in the most popular requests! These are statistics at a global level, when we look at the American results, “Google” is only third (“Facebook” takes first place). More surprisingly, we learn that in the world, the word “Bing” is the tenth most requested search on … Bing. Bing is the default search engine for Edge, Microsoft’s browser, so people might not realize they’re already there. It should also be remembered that an entry in the address bar of a browser is equivalent to carrying out a search (unless it is a complete website). It is quite ironic to see that if Google’s argument had its effect with European justice, Microsoft would have helped the dominant search engine to escape this condemnation!

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